Saturday, January 12, 2008

i had every intention...

i really had every intention of updating this blog. of sharing with the general public my adventures in student teaching. and clearly my intentions fell apart. but dont feel bad. i didnt update my personal blog all semester either. so now i'm retracing my steps. backtracking through the course of the past semester. cause my thoughts about and my feelings toward teaching have changed dramatically over the past 4 and 1/2 months. and now i'm gearing up for the biggest challenge i've ever faced - teaching full time on my own. so with that will come new thoughts and feelings - along with fits of insanity. my plan is to retrace those steps i mentioned through a series of blog entries starting from the beginning of last semester. and even though free blogging time doesnt seem to be abundant in the near future, i do want to make an effort at keeping this one updated. if no one reads it, i still find it be a nice release. so regardless it will be here. waiting on you.

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