Tuesday, June 10, 2008

part four.

one of the biggest deciding factors in my taking the teaching job at fort dorchester this spring was a story my dad told me. he said that his sister (my aunt of course) had told him about her feelings toward going into the mission field for the second time. she had went to africa shortly after graduating from college on a mission trip. apparently at some point she had come back to the states and was working with an architecture firm. one day she got a call from the lady with the mission organization requesting that she go back. she told my dad that she remembered sitting on the plane on her way back to africa flat out mad at God for sending her back. no part of her wanted to go but she knew that it was His plan and she had to go. she had to be obedient. in the end, she met her husband there. had a child. and stayed in the mission field for about 15 years.

thats pretty much the way i felt. every part of my being wanted to turn down the job. wanted to believe that i couldnt do it. that it would be too hard. that i just wouldnt be good enough. but i knew there was only one way to be obedient to God's plan, and that was to follow it. to forget about the plans i had made and just do what he was telling me to do. it couldnt have been easier. He couldnt have been any more obvious. i was just a little slow. thats all.

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